Hello there! The time is currently 6:55 pm I am sitting in my kitchen eating nutella and listening to the thunderstorm outside. The rainy season is officially upon us. I can't attempt to document everything that has happened this past month- although you could probably get a pretty accurate idea of my life if you imagined me eating a proscutto and formaggio sandwich and playing guitar in a piazza somewhere. I started babysitting for Veronica, who has a three month old son named Will. She lives in Vittorio Emanuele, the "chinatown" district of Rome, where the most popular flavor of gelato in the most famous gelato parlor is.....RICE!! This I know because my sociology professor asked the owner when we went to visit said gelato parlor. And then when the chinese girl in our class couldn't finish her gelato he told her she should have gotten the rice flavor. Also, in class, he likes to call her the Chinese representative. October 24th- We went to Paris and saw Animal Collective. The show was amazing! I should be able to put some photos up from it. After Paris we went to Amsterdam, and got a free tour, saw Anne Frankes house, visited a few coffee shops. While in one coffee shop a lady walked in and tossed a joint to a dog, who ate it promptly. HA HA! but then she told me that the joint was not a joint, but a bone. Called a joint. I still think she fed the dog drugs. I am going to try and remember things that have made an impression on me: Babysitting and being around Veronica and Valerio has made me realize I don't want to get married or have babies until my ovaries are ready to call it quits. I love to paint. I love color. I love mixing color and slapping it down on my page with a brush that is full to its bristles with wet, shiney, sloppy pigment. None of the sights here can beat the view on top of the Villa Borghese. Especially when I am there with my friends, a sunset, and a guitar. I have never in my life been so exposed to art. There is too much I want to say and none of it I can really articulate. Maybe I'll write a long entry later. Amsterdam is eerily quiet. I don't think I want to smoke weed ever again. Okay now for more stories. Last weekend I went to this hipster Italian club called Fish n' Chips with some friends from class. It was excellente. They played every type of music from Arcade fire to Madonna to The Arctic Monkeys and we danced and it was GREAT! one of the best nights out i've had here. Thursday Andrew got sick so I got to play mom. We went to get some fresh air and rode the subway to New Jersey. No it wasn't really, but it could have been. We found a park and some bananas and had a nice nap though. I'll let the pictures explain the rest.

this is from white night, I described it in an earlier post

Trevi Founatin, crowd to see the Pope,The Vatican, the Pantheon, where Julius Ceasar was killed, the Forum, the Coloseum

the rij

k museum, canals, pastries of amsterdam

Piazza del Popolo, the view at the top is the one I mention in the blog

These 5 are from the Marino wine festival. It was a medieval town, people dressed in costume like these little kids marched through the streets in a big parade, and the fountain poured wine.

In Paris with Guilluame

With two roomates ourside the Vatican

we were the only people in the bar this night, they let us put on their burger king hats and took a photo of us behind the bar.
Julia! Juluv! Jules. You look amazing! I love playing spot the clothes. Everytime I put on your jeans..I have two of them I think of you. I{m excited to hear you{re having a great time! And making art. Please save them! I am trying to make some art, but let{s make some together. I can{t wait to see you. keep having adventures and looking hot!
Juliaroma, what a great post! Every story, every photo, really and truly all are so welcome, such fun to read and see. Ringraziamento molto! Noi vogliamo di piĆ¹!
Tuo padre che vi ama!
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